The new middle road
I think this is an amazing message!
It's amazing because someone have the GUTS to name the elephant! The elephant that the church has been ignoring the whole time. The elephant that everyone can see but never name. The elephant that we as Christians gotten used to live with. The elephant that's no longer seen as an elephant but just a normal flower, a decoration for the garden.
Can you see the elephant now?
The big giant elephant that is killing the garden, stomping over all the flowers and ruining all the statues and decorations of the garden?
The elephant that's destroying God's kingdom, God's garden.
Can you see it now?
I can - and I can see myself worshipping the elephant sometimes, being thankful for it. Praising God for it - rather than asking Him to remove it from the garden.
Can you see the elephant?
What are you going to do about it now?
Now that you've named it. You've identified it. You know the problem and the solution to it. What are you going to do about it?
You can sit there on the porch and sip a cup of tea and say to yourself "i'm beginning to enjoy the show- looking at this elephant destroying God's church" or you can kill the elephant.
The elephant might be over you - on top of you - preventing you to move anywhere that you know you should go.
But you know what- God is stronger than the elephant. He is able to get rid of the elephant for you - only if you ask Him. Only if you give the gun to Him. Only if you trust that He can finish His job the best way possible. Only if you let Him be God.
But it's hard isn't it?
I personally would rather let the elephant destroy everything than to hand my key, my authority to God. But I'm dying.
I no longer want this illusion of power. I want Him to take over. Let God be God and obey Him.
Prayer points:
- Lord take away this illusion of power - let me see that only You are able to deal with this big problem. humble me and teach me what it means to trust in You
- Lord, please kill this elephant. Help others to see it - name it - and kill it. Help us not to take twist Your words for our own benefit - help us to take Your word seriously as it is.
- Lord thank you for the message, help it to dwell and grow in our hearts. Help us to be more passionate to serve and love You